An easier way to get customers for your startup, or business

TLDR; this is a follow-up to a recent post I made about going viral, which you can find here.

If you haven't read (the above) article, I suggest you do, because I will be discussing #8, "The in-between action".

Keeping this short and sweet, my question to you is "Are you providing value for your compatriates"?

A great way to build a business both offline and online is to add value, into "value deserts". Consider a value desert to be a "gap" or void where someone has a desire to do something, or needs help, but they don't have the capability of doing it themselves.


First, when surfing threads, or any other subreddit that you find interesting to you, are you proactively working to engage with posts in a helpful manner?? Imagine, even if you don't know the answer to something, you could do a simple Google Search, or ask any Chat LLM what potential answers could be (Perplexity, GPT-4).

Second, provide links to your sources. The information could be useful (or not) for the person you're trying to help. Not only that, you put in some "effort", and it shows that you genuinely care about others.

In return, someone may visit your profile (which should be optimized for visitors, check out mine as an example), and maybe even remember you when (important) "they potentially need someone like you".

Finally, this process removes the need for sales. You don't have to cold DM anyone, you don't have to push sales or discounts, you don't need to offer your services for free, you just sit back and wait for those who need you. No sales, just an explanation of services.

This process may not be super entertaining, perhaps even boring or slow, but it's the process I use daily, which drives 10,000 to 20,000 monthly visitors to my agency. No, it's not hundreds of thousands, but it's not bad for 100% free. Also, it enables me to just be "human", which makes it a much more enjoyable experience, rather than a pushy, stressful one!

I hope this helps you today, and every month beyond. If you want to learn more about my organic growth process feel free to reach out. Also, feel free to critique my process, I am always looking for more ways to improve from other experts that have different processes!

Happy Humpday!

24 Hour Designs

Helping entrepreneurs around the world build disruptive software through world-class design.

I asked reddit how to build a dating app. it went viral


Stop asking for "advice", if really all you desire is more web traffic, leads and clients.